One Lord • One Faith • One Baptism

Jesus is God’s plan for your future!
When Jesus is first in our lives, God’s plan will blossom into life eternal.
For Jesus, truly is Lord!

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you
of the common salvation, it was needful
for me to write unto you, and exhort you that
should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Jude 1:3 (KJV)

Let me begin with a story that I heard… slightly modified. A believer diligent about taking care of his health needs was at his dentist getting some work done. The procedure that he was scheduled caused him to desire sedation. The sedative made him drowsy and unobservant to his surroundings. During the course of his procedure, a major fire broke out across the street. The dentist opted to close the blinds to not observe the fire, which was quite intense. Fire trucks flooded the streets and sirens were blazing. But, the patient was fine through it all.

When the procedure was completed they slowly awakened the patient. He immediately realized the blinds were closed, along with the strong smell of smoke. He asked the assistant, what’s going on? She responded, a huge fire broke out and we didn’t want to awaken you with all of the  visible blazes. You may have thought that you had died!

While a little humorous, it’s a little too real just to look over. The question is, where am I positioned for eternity? Am I taking the Lord up on His offer, or am I breezing through this life overlooking truth and reality as many do. Am I spending enough time to learn and do all that the Word of God commands? Or, have I aligned myself for an eternal reward?

Jude writes to his readers ”…and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.There are two main components suggested. The first being, “Contend for the faith” the word ‘contend’ suggest to resist (emotionally, mentally and spiritually), and to give resistance or bring opposition. The directive is to do all of this to ‘maintain’ the faith that God’s word brings. Faith isn’t to be an occasional participant in our lives. When faith is embraced fully as the Bible says, God will account it to our lives as righteousness. And, He uses Abraham as our example and proof. Second, Jude assures us that this is a definite truth. It was once delivered unto the saints. It is the message that brings us unto the brilliance of the living for God, a life separated unto to God, and to being recipients of His promises and blessings.

This is the offer of a lifetime. We can live in such a way that awakening from a medical procedure or even in the event of death, God will call us righteous and we will have no worries. Build your faith and earnestly contend to hold on to it. God has a blessing for us!

L.H.W. II, Pastor
Life In Zion Ministries