One Lord • One Faith • One Baptism

Jesus is God’s plan for your future!
When Jesus is first in our lives, God’s plan will blossom into life eternal.
For Jesus, truly is Lord!

Every action of Christ was to accomplish His precious assignment in the earth. His main objective was to bring reconciliation for men, women & children to their God. Every word spoken, deed performed and each thought shared was in agreement with His assignment. For Christ to break even the smallest of commandments would nullify His purpose—being the perfect offering for the sins of man. If He were to breach in any way His holy walk, it would ruin His ability to be our perfect and sinless offering. It would cancel our opportunity to be restored to fellowship (reconciled) to a walk in the favor and will of the heavenly Father.

The power & purpose of having a restored peace with God is that the love that originates from God may have presence in the earth. God sent His love in the form of Christ. Jesus expresses and manifests love to God as a man by His obedience, even unto His death on the cross. The presence of Jesus defines God’s love for you and I. His love ushers us into the glory and spirit of His divine order. We, who are God’s creation, have never seen love like this. We were ignorant to its existence and unable to characterize it on our own. Now we who live in this privileged time have not only received the love of God, but are assigned to perpetuate and declare His love by our lives.

God’s love is visible and distinct only when we emulate the patterns of Christ. He was obedient in every way to the Father’s will. Men and women everywhere often speak of love, but Jesus is the only profile of that heavenly and holy love of God. He provided us the perfect pattern to follow, and there is just one question: Will we allow the love of God to be visible in the earth through our lives? It is the plan of God, and Jesus made it possible. Let’s follow His steps completely and Make the love of God Visible!


Many of us believe that temptations only pertain to what may be called major sins such as the following: adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, killing and so on. While these and more are on the list, we mustn’t overlook the damage that is caused by those that come in the form of urges. Urges aren’t always in the categories that we label as sin. It is those unique penetrating yearnings that sway us to consider what should not be. The enemy’s work begins by blinding, emotionally concealing impulses in the psyche, to  dull the potential for good judgements. This pertains to all of the good instruction that was instilled in us by those that truly love us. 

When temptations arise, and are contrary to the good instruction of parents, teachers, pastors and guardians, we’re often more interested in wanting to know why isn’t this ok? Which is often followed by, everybody is doing it!  What we should be interested in knowing is what gift, blessing, anointing and victory is the enemy (the devil) working to steal, kill and destroy in my life?

If we can ever net things out by this simple measure of reason, we will truly live successfully. We’ll begin to see what’s truly important and maintain good training to establish good habits and thoughts. We’ll see that the best ideas in the world are always demonstrated in God’s word. When we come to the conclusion that believing and following the principles in God’s Word faithfully, we’ve accessed the best self-help material available. Beware of the temptations and urges in this life, they’re often from the devil. And, they all end up with eternal destruction!


Our opportunity to make this journey in Christ can be strongly affected by the thoughts we entertain concerning our Savior. The promises of God are not provided simply to suggest possibility, but to give promise of resolution, in every situation, to the servants of God. It is when we can recognize that God is above every trouble, challenge and attack that we will look to know Him. He will respond, preventing fear to engender the faithless question, will He deliver? When God saves us, it is intended to be for eternity. When the saved soul chooses not to live in faith to the God of our salvation, that soul will be hard pressed to believe that the God that never fails is concerned about him. Hence, relationship with the Savior must be uninterrupted. Every soul that has experienced broken faith can also attest to an overwhelming sensation of fear and worry. For this reason the book of Jude instructs us to earnestly contend for the faith, it’s speaking of a day-to-day commitment of fighting to keep the faith.

When I look at the life of David and the relationship he had with God, envy is stirred up. David’s daily walk with God can be described as an on-going passion to receive and perform what is in the heart of God. He lived everyday with reverence, praise and worship to his God. When we read excerpts concerning the life of David, we do not read of doubt and uncertainty. We do read that in every situation David directs his mind to the last time—the manner of victory God provided—using it as a beacon of remembrance that God can and will do it again. In short, David expresses clearly a faith to faith walk with God. And, his witness is His God.

It is certain that we will encounter tough experiences in this life. Yet, when we walk in the closeness that God desires to have with each of us, we will all say that fear, troubles, change, things or people are going to get between the Lord and me! God has not saved men, women, boys and girls to remain in a unimproved state. We are called to rise in the Church of the living God, growing and moving to the beat of His spiritual drum. We are to live in victory. And, during difficult time we can be confident that victory is on the way. Just as God delivered us from the Lions of financial challenges and from the Bears of unprovoked ungodly attacks on our spiritual walk, God will bring down every other Goliath problem. How do we know, HE’S NEVER FAILED US YET!


Paul wrote to the Church of Philippi, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13. He writes of conviction that is forged by a host of experience. His statement isn’t indicative of emotional stir that lacks foundation, but he writes of a transition that has resulted from his many encounters. He seems to imply a proof that there is no reason to consider any exception, and concludes that all things are possible because of Christ’s strength.

Paul may have coined the statement, but the reality to this truth isn’t confined to him alone. It is a truth that we should all consider in our life’s journey. For it is the angel of the Lord that stood before a number of shepherds and defined the great privilege that is introduced because of the birth of Christ. In the book of Luke chapter 2:10-11 is written: “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people (vs10). For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (vs11). This angle defines a fulfillment of promise, and the birth of hope that allow for each of us to return to destiny. The power of the statement isn’t simply that He has come, but He has arrived with all of us in mind. Sometime, we just have to personalize how we feel and what we expect from Jesus.

Now, because the Lord has come, we can hold our heads up. We can raise our thoughts. We can look beyond today with expectation of great possibilities. We can improve our situation and plant seeds of hope and success in our children. We can look to Jesus for deliverance, power, joy and peace. We may have trouble feeling it sometimes, or seeing it sometimes, but the true power is in the knowing that “We can do all thing through Christ who strengthens us.”


Among the many blessings we receive from God of which the list is immeasurable, it is by His grace that we are set on earth, to live in time. The word of God indicates that time is to be measured in days, weeks, months and years. Technology has enabled man to include seconds, minutes and hours. It is in the scope of measuring time that we want to direct our attention.

Time is established upon a system or cycle of renewals. Every present minute is replaced by a new minute and so on for every aspect of measuring time. This cyclical method causes the present or existing period to be replaced with another. This system fosters the thinking of releasing the old, in favor of the new. It is the wise individual that moves from old to new in respect of time, from one moment, hour, day etc. to another with the intent of improvement. Hence, time isn’t simply a system of measurement, but it is also opportunity for people to release the old and to advance, develop and refine in the new. Time is a gift of God. Time is man’s opportunity to be reconciled (become united in friendship) to God.

Before man was formed, God was aware that man would have failures occur within his nature. God is aware that errors, faults and problems are innate within man. Therefore the cycles of time are instruments to provoke thoughts to improve by change, growth and development. The best change being by God’s process of spiritual rebirth.

We are in a new era. We’ve come this far by the mercies and grace of God. God has brought us to this day to establish greater faithfulness, to build true commitment to the God we serve, and all this is so that His holiness may be seen by our lives.  This is the time to bridge gaps, refine our rough edges, and to live for God in Christ Jesus. This is our time to resist temptation, witness to the lost, pray in righteousness, and fulfill our destiny. As we prepare to move to higher grounds in God, let us realize that time extends the chance for us to be and do all that brings about the victory and benefit of walking as God has ordained for our lives, because He is coming back SOON!


The saving grace of God is a wonderful blessing. He brings us into His realm of truth and strength. As II Peter 1:4 records, He provides us with a unique series of great and precious promises. What a pledge He makes to our success, great and precious promises. Commitments that He’ll perform, provide, enable, and prepare what is needed to prevail in this life. He comforts us with surety and reason for confidence that we too may continue in what He’s made available. His devotion to our success isn’t superficial. It is assured not only by intent, but also with gifts that are released to us by heaven’s decree. The enemy may hinder the arrival of some prayers, but as recorded in the book of Daniel, reinforcements will be sent to guarantee our breakthrough. 

His provision begins with a word from His throne. His word moves in and out of a visible world, and reveals the thoughts of God. We must remember, that whatever the mind of God imagines, it will be. God’s provision began as a thought, was released to us as a spoken word, and is then transformed within us to be seen in a physical expression. 

It is the New Birth that affords us a great release of promises and blessing. This second birth isn’t provided for us to repeat our past failures. It is a gift to escape the controlling vices of a past life. It is the NEW BIRTH that is acquired by faith and it comes with power. 

The second birth is defined as being born of “water” and of “spirit.” Everyone that receives this birth, Jesus says is “born again” and for certain, He is Lord. And, that’s not all! Each born again individual is promised to be “endued with power” (Gk. – dunamis, innate power) provided to operate with quality and ability to live by the spirit of God. The question becomes, what shall we do with all these wonderful provisions? What is to be done with such great and precious promises? II Peter 1:4 records, that we may be “partakers of His nature”. He has given us His thoughts, His word, His salvation (new birth), His glorious Power of presence, and His great and precious promises. All of these are provided that we made live in His wonderful nature. The Psalmist wrote, “What shall I render to the Lord for His many benefits”. We can do the works of Him that has saved us in a greater way! Why? He has equipped us to do so.