Many of us believe that temptations only pertain to what may be called major sins such as the following: adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, killing and so on. While these and more are on the list, we mustn’t overlook the damage that is caused by those that come in the form of urges. Urges aren’t always in the categories that we label as sin. It is those unique penetrating yearnings that sway us to consider what should not be. The enemy’s work begins by blinding, emotionally concealing impulses in the psyche, to  dull the potential for good judgements. This pertains to all of the good instruction that was instilled in us by those that truly love us. 

When temptations arise, and are contrary to the good instruction of parents, teachers, pastors and guardians, we’re often more interested in wanting to know why isn’t this ok? Which is often followed by, everybody is doing it!  What we should be interested in knowing is what gift, blessing, anointing and victory is the enemy (the devil) working to steal, kill and destroy in my life?

If we can ever net things out by this simple measure of reason, we will truly live successfully. We’ll begin to see what’s truly important and maintain good training to establish good habits and thoughts. We’ll see that the best ideas in the world are always demonstrated in God’s word. When we come to the conclusion that believing and following the principles in God’s Word faithfully, we’ve accessed the best self-help material available. Beware of the temptations and urges in this life, they’re often from the devil. And, they all end up with eternal destruction!